API Integration and developments

Employ faster and reliable API Integration and developments
services at AJ WebCom Solutions

Connect and share databases from two systems through a streamlined process of application programming interface.

API’s omnipresence has transformed the digital world. It enables the seamless operation and performance of applications and web systems regardless of the business or enterprise size. Connecting systems through API is now a necessity to ensure key functionality. AJ WebCom Solutions seamlessly implements the integration and development of APIs that bolster your business’s success.

To make API Integration reliable and secure, we use various API authentication methods such as basic oAuth, oAuth1, oAuth2, API Keys, basic HTTP, JSON Web Token (JWT), SAML, and token.

API Services you can expect at AJ WebCom


Custom API development

If there is no ready-made API to target your service, we offer custom API integration solutions that encompass the entire development and integration process, along with documentation and deployment. We understand the need for tailor-made API solutions. Hence, we serve end-to-end functions.


Third-party API Integrations

Get the most out of third-party API integrations. We offer third-party API integration services to help you integrate disparate systems and share databases seamlessly. Our third-party API Integrations aids efficient management of website operations.


Cloud-based API Integrations

We integrate applications and other workloads into the cloud using APIs to ensure maximum access across multiple platforms and devices. With our Cloud-based API Integration services, business applications and storage systems can be developed remotely.


Payment Gateway API Integration

An accessible and secure payment gateways on your website will appeal to a larger audience. We have worked with major payment gateways which ensures high security and offers great reliability. With API integration, we work with payment gateways like [name them] to deliver ultimate user experience.


API Testing

Our team knows how essential it is to test the quality of the product before deployment. To guarantee API performance, our developers practice automated testing, including unit testing, functional testing, penetration testing, UX testing, and load testing.

Drive your business towards growth and connectivity with the AJ’s
phenomenal API integration services.


Powered by automation

Using API integrations, information and data can be transferred from one application to another automatically. Successful automation helps eliminate the manual element which in turn reduces errors and saves time.



Businesses can grow more easily with API integration since it eliminates the need for starting from scratch when creating connected systems and applications.


Improves connectivity and collaboration

The core function of APIs is that they allow systems, applications, and platforms to exchange data and perform a variety of functions by connecting to each other.

Technologies we work with